The error has been fixed.
An error in PSO Toolbox
by Konstantinos E. Parsopoulos
I wanted to inform the PSO Community
regarding an error in the PSO Toolbox developed by Jagatpreet Singh.
The specific toolbox is also mentioned in the PSO Central website. I
contacted the developer a few months ago but I never got a reply, and,
since many of our collaborators use it and wonder why PSO is so bad,
I thought it would be a good idea to inform them through PSO Central.
The error is the following:
In the PSO.M file (i'm talking about the 2nd version of the toolbox),
at line 165, where the update of the best particle's index is
the developer wrote:
[fGBest, g] = min(fSwarm);
Although, it should be:
[fGBest, g] = min(fPBest);
since the index g corresponds to the best particle EVER attained
by the swarm (i.e. the best position ever visited in the search space)
and NOT the best particle of the current swarm. This is a common
mistake in many implementations. He used the same update
also in the beginning of the program (before the loop), but it
is harmless since at that stage the best positions' matrix is
the same as the initial population.
Konstantinos E. Parsopoulos,
Dipl.-Math., MSc, PhD candidate
Department of Mathematics,
University of Patras,
GR-26110 Patras, Greece
Tel: +30 2610 997348
Fax: +30 2610 992965
email: kostasp@math.upatras.gr
URL: http://www.math.upatras.gr/~kostasp